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Evolutionary Genetics Group
(Ref. BIO-165)
marzo 2025
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Lista de congresos

P.J. Maughan, E.N. Jellen, S. John, K. Karol, T. Huang, L. Tzu Che, B.M. Navarro Domínguez, Y. Huang, K. Jaggl and D. Jarvis,  "A Chromosome-Scale Assembly of the Djulis (Chenopodium formosanum) Genome, an Emerging Orphan Crop from Taiwan formosanum) Genome, an Emerging Orphan Crop from Taiwan", "Plant and Animal Genome XXIX Conference", None-None, 2022
E. Olivieri and M. Abdelaziz Mohamed,  "Reproductive isolation estimated as a whole for two Erysimum species with contrasting mating system.", "XIX EcoFlor 2022", None-None, 2022
J.P. Martinez Camacho "Con la miel en los labios", "XI Seminario de Citogenética de la SEG.", None-None, 2022
S. Pita, F. Panzera, E.E. Montiel Jiménez, P. Mora-Ruiz, J. Vela Herrador, F.J. Ruiz-Ruano Campaña, T. Palomeque-Messia and P. Lorite-Martínez,  "Satellitome analysis unravels the karyotypic evolution in Triatoma kissing bugs (Hemiptera: Reduviidae)", "13th European Cytogenetics Conference", None-None, 2021
M. Martín Peciña, E. Sánchez-Sánchez, F.J. Ruiz-Ruano Campaña, M.D. Lopez Leon, J. Cabrero Hurtado and J.P. Martinez Camacho,  "B CHROMOSOMES OF Eyprepocnemis plorans CONTAIN ACTIVE PROTEIN-CODING GENES INVOLVED IN CELL DIVISION", "XLII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Genética", None-None, 2021
M. Martín Peciña, F.J. Ruiz-Ruano Campaña, J. Cabrero Hurtado and J.P. Martinez Camacho,  "Transcriptional changes between sexes, tissues and ontogenetic stages associated with the presence of a B chromosome in the grasshopper Eyprepocnemis plorans", "Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Association for Evolutionary Biology", None-None, 2021
E. Olivieri and M. Abdelaziz Mohamed,  "Ploidy level and its relationship with phenotypic variation, reproductive strategies and fitness in Erysimum incanum species complex.", "XVII EcoFlor 2020.", None-None, 2020
E. Olivieri and M. Abdelaziz Mohamed,  "Effect of heterosis on transitions between mating systems in plants. A case study.", "I Simposio Anual de Botánica Española", None-None, 2020

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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