@Article{ MARTINEZ_Shaw_Cabrero_BAKKALI_Ruiz-Estévez_RUIZ-RUANO_Martín_LOPEZ:675-681,

author = { JUAN PEDRO MARTINEZ CAMACHO and Michael W. Shaw and Josefa Cabrero Hurtado and MOHAMMED BAKKALI and Mercedes Ruiz-Estévez and FRANCISCO JESÚS RUIZ-RUANO CAMPAÑA and Rubén Martín Blázquez and MARIA DOLORES LOPEZ LEON } ,

title = { Transient Microgeographic Clines during B Chromosome Invasion },

journal = { The American Naturalist },

year = { 2015 },

volume = { 186 },

pages = { 675-681 },

doi = { http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/683172?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents },
