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Evolutionary Genetics Group
(Ref. BIO-165)
September 2024
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Scientific production

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Lista de congresos

E. Olivieri and M. Abdelaziz Mohamed,  "Phenotypic and reproductive strategy variation associated to ploidy level in Erysimum incanum", "EcoFlor 2019", None-None, 2019
B.M. Navarro Domínguez "Evolutionary genomics of the Segregation Distorter gene complex", "Evolution, Ecology, Genetics & Genomics Seminar", None-None, 2019
I. Mazuecos, M. Berbel Cascales, S. Ben-Menni Schuler, M.D.C. Fernandez Fernandez, A.T. Romero García and V.N. Suárez Santiago,  "INAPERTURATE POLLEN1 is involved in the formation of pollen apertures in Eschscholzia californica", "XVI Annual Meeting of the Spanish Group for Floral Ecology", None-None, 2019
B.M. Navarro Domínguez "Population genomics of the selfish Segregation Distorter gene complex reveals the interaction of drive, recombination and genetic load", " Great Lakes Evolutionary Genomics Symposium 2020", None-None, 2019
M. Berbel Cascales, A.T. Romero García, A. Becker, I. Mazuecos Aguilera, A. Dommes, S. Ben-Menni Schuler, M.D.C. Fernandez Fernandez and V.N. Suárez Santiago,  "NAM genes are involved in the control of the fusion and number of stamens in Papaveraceae Juss.", "XVI Annual Meeting of the Spanish Group for Floral Ecology", None-None, 2019
V.N. Suárez Santiago, I. Mazuecos Aguilera, M. Berbel Cascales, S. Ben-Menni Schuler, M.D.C. Fernandez Fernandez and A.T. Romero García,  "Evolution of the INAPERTURATE POLLEN1 gene conforms to the Angiosperm systematics but not to its diversity of apertural systems", "Plant Development: Systems Approach", None-None, 2019
I. Mazuecos, M. Berbel Cascales, S. Ben-Menni Schuler, M.D.C. Fernandez Fernandez, A.T. Romero García and V.N. Suárez Santiago,  "Molecular and functional characterization of INAPERTURATE POLLEN1 in the basal Eudicot Eschscholzia californica", "Plant Development: Systems Approach", None-None, 2019
E. Olivieri and M. Abdelaziz Mohamed,  "Reproductive barriers and mating systems in Erysimum incanum species complex.", "Ecoflor 2.0", None-None, 2019

SICA last updated: 10/01/2024

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