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Evolutionary Genetics Group
(Ref. BIO-165)
September 2024
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Scientific production

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Lista de congresos

V.N. Suárez Santiago, I. Mazuecos Aguilera, M. Berbel Cascales, S. Ben-Menni Schuler, M.D.C. Fernandez Fernandez and A.T. Romero García,  "Evolution of the INAPERTURATE POLLEN1 gene conforms to the Angiosperm systematics but not to its diversity of apertural systems", "Plant Development: Systems Approach", None-None, 2019
I. Mazuecos, M. Berbel Cascales, S. Ben-Menni Schuler, M.D.C. Fernandez Fernandez, A.T. Romero García and V.N. Suárez Santiago,  "Molecular and functional characterization of INAPERTURATE POLLEN1 in the basal Eudicot Eschscholzia californica", "Plant Development: Systems Approach", None-None, 2019
E. Olivieri and M. Abdelaziz Mohamed,  "Reproductive barriers and mating systems in Erysimum incanum species complex.", "Ecoflor 2.0", None-None, 2019
M. Berbel Cascales, A.T. Romero García, A. Becker, I. Mazuecos Aguilera, A. Dommes, S. Ben-Menni Schuler, M.D.C. Fernandez Fernandez and V.N. Suárez Santiago,  "NAM genes are involved in the control of the fusion and number of stamens in Papaveraceae Juss.", "Plant Development: Systems Approach", None-None, 2019
L. Matias Resina, M. Abdelaziz Mohamed, O. Godoy-Del Olmo and L. Gomez Aparicio,  "Combined effects of climate and exotic pathogens increase mortality and hinder natural regeneration of an important oak species at its southern distribution", "1st Meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society & XIV AEET Meeting", None-None, 2019
M. Abdelaziz Mohamed and E. Olivieri,  "Ecological speciation between two close related Erysimum species with diverging mating system strategies", "ECOFLOR XV (Red temaatica de Ecologia y Evolucion Floral)", None-None, 2018
J.P. Martinez Camacho "Abriendo el libro de los cromosomas B", "X Seminario de Citogenética", None-None, 2018
M. Marín-Peciña, F.J. Ruiz-Ruano Campaña, J. Cabrero Hurtado and J.P. Martinez Camacho,  "Efectos transcripcionales de la presencia de un cromosoma B en embriones del saltamontes Eyprepocnemis plorans", "X Seminario de Citogenética", None-None, 2018

SICA last updated: 10/01/2024

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